
Here I will compile data and photos about the races I have completed.


Hunt Valley Race for the Cure 5K
Time: 37:12
Training: None

Course from MapMyRun


Hunt Valley Race for the Cure 5K
Time: 33:15
Training: See the training under Baltimore Half

Course from MapMyRun

Baltimore Running Festival - Half Marathon
Time: 2:54:40
Pace: 13:19
Training: One 6 mile run before the event ....

Course from MapMyRun


Baltimore Running Festival - Half Marathon
Time: 2:31:41
Pace: 11:34
Training: 1-2 runs a week from Aug 1st to Oct. 15th.

Maps and Splits from my GPS Tracker

Annapolis Half Marathon
Time: 2:19:12
Pace: 10:37
Training: Since this was 1 month after Baltimore, I just ran 2 long runs after Baltimore before this race.

Maps and Splits from my GPS Tracker

Jingle Bell for Arthritis - Baltimore 5K
Time: 28:09
Pace: 8:45
Training: Not much, been taking it easy since Annapolis Half and Baltimore Half.