Photo by: Chad Lippiatt
Photo by: Chad Lippiatt
Well what can I say ... I am a 26 (dreading turning 27 in March and getting into the UPPER 20's) year old tax accountant who likes (well loves/hates) to run and LOVES food. I started running about a year ago and did the Baltimore Half Marathon with only running 6 miles once - needless to say, I finished but with a time of 2:54:40. In 2011, I put a bit more effort into it and ran 1-2 times a week (still on the low side but it keeps me injury free) and finished with a time of 2:31:41. I was sad to not beat 2:30 and signed up for another race a month later (Annapolis Half Marathon)) and got 2:19:12 (Thanks to Lisa!). So now I hooked and addicted ..... A big part of the reason I was able to run so much more this year was my wonderful husband Dan. As you can tell since I am still posting wedding photos, I was married pretty recently (May 2011). Long runs can get boring - so it was nice to have the motivation and company all summer. I met Dan 8 years ago, I bet he didn't think he would be running in half marathons ..... Part of the reason I run is to stay fit. We LOVE food. I swear I think our honeymoon centered around fabulous restaurants and I could recap every amazing meal and then start to salivate. We honeymooned to San Francisco, Monterey Bay, and Napa Valley. Amazing food, amazing produce, amazing views and amazing wine.